感知體驗的選擇、想像與回應──Gisèle Vienne《群眾》

薄薄的一片塵土舖滿地下,一些垃圾零星分佈,城市後巷的既視感。舞者穿著運動風褸、牛仔衫褲、背心,在節奏快而強勁的電子音樂下,以慢動作影片似的姿態逐一出現;跳舞、喝酒、擁抱、狂歡,呈現的整個畫面既熟悉又陌生,在我眼中,這就是我經歷過 Rave party(銳舞派對)的模樣
748 | 31.5.2023 | dance

「自由舞2023」: 繁花與餘香

747 | 13.7.2023 | dance


749 | 17.6.2023 | dance


744 | 13.6.2023 | dance

Wedding as Funeral: Mui Cheuk-yin’s Double Happiness

People say that there are two colours in life: red before mid-life, when one frequently receives wedding invitations from old classmates and good friends; and white after mid-life, as one begins to farewell peers or the older generation at funerals
746 | 1.6.2023 | dance

The Reversal of Wedding Celebrations, the Autonomy of Those Who Sorrow: Mui Cheuk-yin – Double Happiness: The Promise of Red

I went great lengths to see Mui Cheuk-yin’s work, Double Happiness: The Promise of Red (“Double Happiness” as follows) as part of the “Freespace Dance 2023" programme, because I think every chance to see Mui’s performance nowadays is a rare one, especially it is the kind of solo dance that integrates with life experience
745 | 2.5.2023 | dance

A Transmedia Experiment by Students at the School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts

Early this year, students at the School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts (TEA) of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts were invited to participate in a series of transmedia workshops
730 | 8.7.2022 | art, theatre

Opening the Black Box – When Art Encounters Tech

In September 2021, Freespace and the School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts launched the new project art TALKS tech as part of their collaborative platform TechBox
730 | 2.6.2022 | art, theatre